Each month, we are celebrating an amazing mama in our village for their commitment to a healthy lifestyle and dedication to FIT4MOM.
This month we are showcasing Nicole Prutch, Mama to Birdie 3 yrs and Gino, 7 months
Your Home Town: Between LA and Napa
What is your career: Music Supervisor for Movie Trailers and TV Promos
How did you find FIT4MOM, and how long have you been a member?:
My sister-in-law used to run the FIT4MOM franchise in Napa, so I heard it about it years ago. I decided to join when I had my son, and I have been a member for about 3 months now.
What has been the best thing about FIT4MOM Sacramento for you?
Meeting other awesome moms who are in the same boat. It’s a great reason to get out of the house (all while sneaking in a workout). 😊
What is your proudest mama moment:
Just the fact that I brought humans into this world will always blow my mind. I feel proud and strong thinking about that.
Share 3 fun facts with us about you:
1)I lived in London for 4 years.
2)I hosted a podcast called Favorite Songs By.
3)My favorite snack is chips and salsa!
Anything else you would like to add:
I’m so grateful that this community exists for moms!
Be sure to say hi to Nicole, Bridie and Gino next time you see them in class.