Mom of the Month: February 2025

Each month, we are celebrating an amazing mama in our village for their commitment to a healthy lifestyle and dedication to FIT4MOM.

This month we are showcasing Tamara Geary, Mama to Autumn (10yrs), Frederick (4yrs) and Miles (3yrs)

Your Home Town: Sacramento

What is your career: Co-Owner of NLH & Company, Inc. We are a small TPA that specializes in Retirement Plans. I am also the Bookkeeper for CRRM

How did you find FIT4MOM, and how long have you been a member?:

I found Fit4Mom during an online search after giving birth to Autumn, I had her BOB stroller and we wanted to be out in the world. We started when Autumn was about 6mo old, so almost 10yrs ago!

What has been the best thing about FIT4MOM Sacramento for you?

The Mama community! I can’t imagine what my mama life would look like w/o all these amazing Mamas and kiddies in my life!

What is your proudest mama moment:

Birthing each of my three kids and somehow keeping them alive year after year!

Share 3 fun facts with us about you:

1)I ran 14 marathons before having kids and now after 10yrs, I am finally training to complete one as a Mama of 3 later this year.

2)I am left handed.

3)I volunteer way too much of my time for all the schools and sports groups for my kids, but I love every minute of it!


Be sure to say hi to Tamara and her kids when you see them in class.