Barbi Hamilton
FIT4MOM Owner/Instructor
Hi Mamas, my name is Barbi. I am the mama of two beautiful girls, Maddi 4yrs old and Cadi 2yrs old (in November). I am so excited for this new adventure as your FIT4MOM Sacramento Franchise owner! But first let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I grew up in the bay area as a ballerina, I danced on my toes and everything. I have always had a passion for dance and fitness. After an injury, I was never able to dance like I used to so I moved on to teaching dance to toddlers and little kids. More like herding cats but still very fun. From there I started coaching a high school dance team for 11 years and really enjoyed helping them grow as dancers and young women. I met my wonderful husband where I was working as an accountant and we got married in 2014 and were ready to start a family. When we found out I was pregnant with Maddi in December 2015, we decided we wanted to move away from the bay area so that I would be able to stay home with our kiddos. We moved 2 weeks before Maddi was born, by far the best way to move is when you are pregnant (all I did was direct our friends and family where to put things- with a smile of course). August of 2016 was a big month for me, I quit my accounting job, moved away from my family and had a baby in a two-week period! Whoa! We were very happy with our new baby girl, however, with all the changes, I had a very difficult time finding my new self as a mother.
It took me until Maddi was 1 to finally get out of the house and make my way to a FIT4MOM Sacramento class at Arden Park, and instantly fell in love with ALL it had to offer. Of course, the fitness was a big part of it, but the support and friendship and just getting out of the house was what I needed. I honestly can you tell you that when I got in the car to drive home that day and called my mom, I said to her: “I could see myself teaching something like this!” So fast forward to early 2018 when I heard that Julie was looking for a new instructor for a new park, I jumped on it, oh and I got pregnant with Cadi too. I started teaching in April of 2018 and my love for this beautiful program grew even more. I loved being able to help you all through your journey of fitness and motherhood.
I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life and keep this village of support and fitness alive and strong! I look forward to supporting you all with your journey of Motherhood, Sisterhood, Strength, and Fitness! #Wearestrongertogether